Our dojo was founded in 1989. Since that time we continue our studies without stop.
We view aikido not only as a sharp weapon but also as a way of personality growth.
Location: Moscow downtown - Petrovka st., 26, str.9
Aikido is a wonderful tool for developing the personality from an early age. We invite kids to our aikido school. We do not "select" among the newcomers neither "filter" them. Our aim is not to bring a "champion" but rather to grow a strong person who respects not only the life of his own but also cares about other alive creatures. Still aikido is a martial art and having been studied seriously becomes arms. We believe that the holders of such arms must be very responsible for it's use.
We do not imitate mastership. We learn how to meet an attack.
We study not only the basic forms of aikido but the way of it's application in real life, caring about the martial component of aikido as well as about aesthetic and spiritual roots.
Weapons (wooden sword, staff, wooden knife) are widely used in our practice. We practice as well Nishio-Sensei Iaido style (known as Iaido Toho).
We have very good and strong connection with our aikido teachers and colleauges abroad. We sistematicly hold seminars at home and in other countries.
Your first class is free.
You are welcome to come to any class but it will be good if you contact us before by e-mail: detmir-aiki@mail.ru or by phone: +7 (917) 530-59-16.