(917) 530-59-16 (детские группы)
(925) 589-03-20
    The kid's world of aikido
  • Aikido for kids
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Aikido for kids

We invite kids to study aikido at Moscow Aikido Kannagara Dojo

We teach aikido since 1989.

Our dojo is located in Moscow downtown, few minutes by foot from Leninskiy Prospect metro st. There are two age groups for children: for those who are under 7 and after 7 years old. This age division is very suppositive.

You may just appear with the young neophyte at any class but better contact us in advance by e-mail detmir-aiki@mail.ru or by phone: +7 (917) 530-59-16. The first class is free.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 17:00 - 18:30.

Please make sure that the child has no medical contraindications for aikido!

Our dojo is located in Moscow downtown, one minute walking from Shabolovskaya metro st. There are two age groups for children: for those who are under 7 and after 7 years old. This age division is very suppositie.

You may just appear with the young neophyte at any class but better contact us in advance by e-mail detmir-aiki@mail.ru or by phone: +7 (917) 530-59-16. The first class is free.

The 5 - 7 years old kids group classes are each Monday and Friday from 17:00 to 18:00.

After 7 years old kids group classes are each Monday and Friday from 17:10 to 18:45.

Please make sure that the child has no medical contraindications for aikido!

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The experience that we have obtained for many years of studing aikido we now want to share with the young generation. Aikido is a very sharp weapon and we want too hand it to a young person together with the responsibility for other life beings.


What does aikido teach

Beside the marcial part knowledge and experience aikido may create the ability to reduce and clear away the tension of arising conflict not only in pre combat situation but widely in human relations as well.

Often our kids lack the physical contact with other fellows of the simalar age and the deficit of tactile sensations. Aikido improves that.

Also aikido introduces to the world of non verbal language that people use without noticing that. Aikido teaches to feel the space round you, to know and respect the privacy and the borders of the other person's personal area.

But first of all aikido must create the feeling of responsibility to alive beings.


Aikido for parents

We cordially invite parents to join our adult classes as well!

Equipment for training

Please make sure that the child has no medical contraindications for aikido!


For the first visit any sportuniform would fit. Please have an indoor shoes to enter the taining hall.

Then you will need a"keikogi", training uniform (top and pants as in judo and karate). On tatami we train barefoot or with the socks on.

The seniour groop visitors (after 7) will need to have "buki" - wooden weapons (wooden sword and wooden staf). We will advise how to choose it.



Monthly fee is 3500 roubles.

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